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About CAS:

Confederation for automated systems (CAS) was established in 2009 for the purpose of providing integral programs and solutions for business and professions in addition to a section where professional in used to gibe specialized training courses in the areas of accounting , management , finance banks and insurance. These courses are accredited by Jordan association of certified public accountants and this makes the training center accredited in the Middle East.
The company is located in Shmaissani, Jawaharet Shmaissani complex in front of the commodore hotel and in front of GULF AIR

Mr. Issa Habash

Who is the manager of the training center and who has many certificated and credentials in the area of accounting and financial training. Also he has a long experience as well as being the general manager for the confederation bureau company.

And Mr. Nedal Nweran

BA IN IT from the Jordan university , who worked in the area of programming in addition to have taken many programming courses , he is the manager of the IT department that is specialized in the are of different software programs, protection systems and other technological services.